Netiquette rule list


This is a list of certain rules or a list know as an etiquette. Well in this case it will be Netiquette which is a list of rules online. Please read these as they could be important.


  1. Only use caps if your yelling and normal things using it all the time for nothing isn’t a good thing and can/will be annoying for people. Don’t yell to much as in conversations it can be annoying/rude/offending to people.
  2. Try to spell and use grammar correctly, if you spell wrong all the time it can make things hard to understand. In a conversation meanings can go the wrong way if you don’t use grammar and spelling correctly.
  3. Appropriate language, try to keep all your language appropriate. So no swear words or rude things on this.
  4. Don’t send inappropriate photos and things.
  5. Do not spam the chat, do not repeatedly send messages to people or repeatedly comment on a post.
  6. Don’t give out full details of your life, this is the internet, be safe.
  7. Enjoy the site and learn from the anti-cyberbullying and cool stuff on it.

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