Monthly Archives: August 2017

Netiquette rule list


This is a list of certain rules or a list know as an etiquette. Well in this case it will be Netiquette which is a list of rules online. Please read these as they could be important.


  1. Only use caps if your yelling and normal things using it all the time for nothing isn’t a good thing and can/will be annoying for people. Don’t yell to much as in conversations it can be annoying/rude/offending to people.
  2. Try to spell and use grammar correctly, if you spell wrong all the time it can make things hard to understand. In a conversation meanings can go the wrong way if you don’t use grammar and spelling correctly.
  3. Appropriate language, try to keep all your language appropriate. So no swear words or rude things on this.
  4. Don’t send inappropriate photos and things.
  5. Do not spam the chat, do not repeatedly send messages to people or repeatedly comment on a post.
  6. Don’t give out full details of your life, this is the internet, be safe.
  7. Enjoy the site and learn from the anti-cyberbullying and cool stuff on it.

#GameOn Review

Hello there, this post is about the cyber safety resource video called Game on. Game on is an interesting short movie sort of thing aimed at teenagers and kids to teach them of problems on the internet. This keeps people aware of the problems on the internet.


In this short movie there are several problems about being on the internet and social media. Some problems here include cyber-isolation, cyber-bullying, people posting photos of other people, giving passwords out. Cyber-isolation was when someone (in this case Dean and Joel) plays a game to much and starts to isolate himself.


 Dean’s guardian tries to get him to do chores and other things and his gaming friend Joel is addicted to it as well and doesn’t get much sleep. Also Joel’s friends try and talk into hanging out with them more instead of doing games all the time. Olly and Bianca both have photos of them posted on social Medias.


Olly took and posted photos of himself and posted them over a lot of social Medias so a lot of people saw photos of him. Bianca had photos posted of her with mean captions on her best friend’s webpage and got really upset with her.


Ryan was a character which had an app for free ringtones, only to find out it wasn’t free it was costing him $10 a week.


This short movie shows that there are many problems to do with the internet and things. The positives of this are that people learn what not to do or what to do if this happens to them. Also it teaches them that the internet can be a safe place if they listen to rules and tips about enjoying it like don’t give your password out to anyone.


Negatives of this is it can scare people into not using the internet much. There are so many things that can happen from people hacking your account, to people posting photos of others and things like using things that cost money unknowingly and cyber-isolation with too much gaming.


This is a great short movie and would be great for kids to know what to avoid and do if they are in trouble.What do you think of this TV show and how did it help you?


Internet advantages and disadvantages

Hungry cat | by memebinge

Image result for cat memes researchInternet Advantages/Disadvantages

If you can think of any other good advantages and disadvantages or want to talk about the the ones selected, leave a comment down below 🙂


The internet is a great place full of all sorts of different things and cool things like cat memes, cat photos, cat videos, cat sushi costumes and other cat things most the internet is CATS!. Although the internet is wondrous place there are also some negative effects of it existing.

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Family cat by day, Batman by night | by memebinge


Two positives of it existing is Research and Communication.


The internet has a lot of websites you can use to try and find basically anything. This is used for all people like students using it for assignments or teachers using it to find videos of useful things for classes, and just for basic people who want to research cat stuff.

Wikipedia is great for this


Communication is useful if you are far away from people you know/care about. With this you can use things like Skype, Facetime, Facebook, Messaging things and a lot more websites/apps around.

The internet allows people to connect to each other around the world with their devices and things.

some communication apps

Image result for cat memes research

A lolcat image using the “I’m in ur…” format


Unfortunately some negatives of this, 2 examples of a bad use of the internet are viruses and isolation.


Viruses can be bad and can cause lots of trouble in life, you can get viruses from programs, games, websites and other weird links. These viruses can get into your accounts on things and also do things to your computer.

 People do this for fun, money and other reasons, if you get one it is best to contact someone to get rid of it.

more info at

Image result for cat memes website

2615692426_4c734b4818_o | by zebedee.zebedee


The internet can be fun and you can use it all day, but sometimes its bad to spend to much time on. If you are spending to much time in your room doing things on the internet all day (like watching cat stuff all day) and not talking to people is unhealthy and can affect your mind and the way you act.

If this happens to you turn off your device and go outside for a bit.

more info at

Image result for cat memes research

by memebinge My whole life is a lie!

Enjoy the internet and make sure to use its advantages but also be careful of its disadvantages.

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Cat puts sleeping dog to use | by memebinge


A video of this:


Don’t forget to leave comments down below 🙂